sábado, febrero 14, 2009

Donovan Beeson

"The smallest bookstore still contains more ideas of worth than have been presented in the entire history of television." --Charles de Secondant, Baron de la Brede et Montesquieu

"For anyone who is thrilled by a beautiful old paper or who loves the smell of mouldering books. For anyone who has horded away stacks of vintage maps or gleefully gathered the free paint swatches at hardware stores. For anyone who can appreciate the glory of office supplies. For anyone like me, in other words. I don't think I'm alone in loving all things vintage or unique in the paper world. Instead of hiding away my treasures, I've decided it is time to share them. Speaking of sharing, I do keep an art journal over at http://donovanbeeson.blogspot.com/ Thanks for checking out the site!"

Sacado de donovanbeeson.etsy.com.

Inspiring, a blank page.

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